The Limit is Your Imagination...
Anything is possible with Monkforge.

Custom AI Automations

Have a specific operation, process, or almost anything in your business you want automated? No problem. Monkforge can automate any operation in your business to match your needs, to save you time, and to save you money. Consult with our team for more info.
AI Consulting

Want to use AI in your business but don't know where to start? Monkforge can help with that too! We will go through every step and process of your business and find the best places to implement AI to maximize business.
AI Phone Agents
24/7 Lead Generation
24/7 Customer support
Handle reservations & appointments
Integrate with CRM
Handle all inbound calls
Preform Outbound & Cold Calls
Increased user experience with fast & enhanced responses to problems & queries

AI Chatbots
24/7 Lead Generation
24/7 Customer Support
Personal Assistants trained on your business
Staff Training Bots to answer questions and make hiring easier
Increased user experience with fast & enhanced responses to problems & queries
Product Recommendation, Order Tracking, there are no limits!

Manage & sort leads
Run AI powered marketing campaigns (Email, SMS, Voicemail, and more)
Integrate with AI Agents for maximum potential
Replace hundreds of softwares in one (Docusign, Calendly, Zapier, Clickfunnels, Hubspot, invoices, and much more.)
AI Powered CRM

Website Building
The key to make your business known, trusted, and bigger is a great website. Our team of marketing experts will build you a site that ranks #1 on google and builds trust. We also incorporate AI to enhance user experience and enhance your experience, by boosting lead generation.

AI Algorithms
Monkforge develops AI algorithms that keep your data secure, and make literal magic happen. Using these algorithms to automate factories, keep the blockchain safe, process payments, and more. AI Powered algorithms offer enhanced security and optimization. Consult with us today.

AI Social Funnels
Automates entire social media marketing funnels
Makes funnel feel more authentic since a "person" is helping client through to the right areas
Sorts leads based on budget, size, etc, automatically, so you can focus on the ones that can use your service/product the most.
Boosts engagement & views using triggers
Boosts leads through funnel & CTR

Monkforge AI

Monkforge AI